Based on data from the Strategic Plan (Renstra Ministry of Health) in 2018 Nationally the
coverage of infants who are exclusively breastfed in 2018, namely 68.74%. Based on data on
exclusive breastfeeding coverage in the Pakojan II Village West Jakarta in 2020, 41.17% is
still below the national target. This study aims to determine the factors associated behavior
with exclusive breastfeeding in Pakojan II village, West Jakarta in 2020. This study used a
cross sectional design with a sample size 85 mothers who have babies aged 7-12 months,
sampling technique using the total sampling method analyzed by chi-square test. This The
research was conducted in July - September 2020.The univariate results were the highest
proportion of mothers who provided exclusive breastfeeding (55.3%), good knowledge
(64.7%), good age (72.9%), low education (56, 5%) Not working (71.8%), good attitude
(58.8%), good parity (65.9%), exposed to information about exclusive breastfeeding (62.4%),
not exposed to information about formula milk (50, 6% ), family support (52.9%). There is a
relationship between maternal knowledge (PR = 2,270, 95% CI: 1,577-3,268), age (PR =
1,829, 95% CI: 1,312-2,550), education (PR = 2,248, 95% CI: 1,369-3,692), occupation (PR
= 1,883, 95% CI: 1,349-2,628), attitude (PR = 2,521, 95% CI: 1,674-3,769), parity (PR =
1,851, 95% CI: 1,298-2,639), exposure to information about exclusive breastfeeding ( PR =
2,236, 95% CI: 1,534-3,258), exposure to information about formula milk (PR = 2,184, 95%
CI: 1,404-3,398), supportive family (PR = 1,985, 95% CI: 1,310-3,008) with breastfeeding
behavior specifically for babies aged 0-6 months in Pakojan II Village, West Jakarta. expected
to be able to add material and conduct questions and answers after counseling.