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UEU » Journal » Keperawatan Posted by [email protected] at 07/12/2020 19:14:52 • 437 Views
KESDAM JAYA TAHUN 2019Created by :
Darma Husniyah ( none ) Antia
Tingginya angka kejadian infeksi dirumah sakit dapat menyebabkan
turunnya kualitas mutu pelayanan medis, sehingga perlu adanya upaya pencegahan dan
pengendaliannya (Darmadi, 2008). Berdasarkan data WHO setiap tahun 100.000 anak Indonesia
meninggal akibat diare. Sementara data Departemen Kesehatan menunjukkan di antara 1000
penduduk terdapat 300 orang yang terjangkit penyakit diare sepanjang tahun (Profil Kesehatan
Indonesia, 2013). Hasil laporan UNICEF Tahun 2014 Indonesia menyebutkan 28% warga mencuci
tangan dengan sabun, 75,5% orang tidak mencuci tangan karena merasa tangannya bersih, 29%
menganggap cuci tangan tidak sehat dan 13,6% menganggap cuci tangan bukan hal penting. Data
yang diperoleh peneliti dari wawancara pada bulan April 2019 didapatkan dari 15 (100%) keluarga
pasien. 12 (80%) diantaranya mengatakan cuci tangan bukan tindakan yang penting untuk dilakukan,
cuci tangan tidak perlu menggunakan sabun. Dan 3 (20%) responden lainnya mengatakan cuci tangan
penting dilakukan, mencuci tangan tidak cukup bila menggunakan air saja. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk
mengetahui pengaruh edukasi terhadap perubahan pengetahuan cuci tangan keluarga pasien di Rumah
Sakit. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan one grup
pretest and posttest design. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling jumlah sampel
43 keluarga pasien dipilih salah satu dari keluarga inti. Intrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner
pengetahuan cuci tangan data penelitian diperoleh dengan cara memberikan test sebanyak dua kali pretest dan posttest. Analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hasil Penelitian:
didapatkan hasil jenis kelamin perempuan (69.8%), usia antara 36-45 (41.9%), latar belakang
pendidikan sebagian besar SD (44.2%), pekerjaan responden mayoritas ibu rumah tangga (48,8%).
Mayoritas responden berpengetahuan kurang (46,5%). Setelah edukasi diberikan terdapat perubahan
mayoritas berpengetahuan baik (90,7%) didapatkan hasil nilai (p=0,000) angka tersebut menunjukan
nilai yang kurang dari 0,05. Kesimpulan: ada pengaruh edukasi terhadap perubahan pengetahuan cuci
tangan keluarga pasien di Rumah Sakit Daan Mogot Kesdam Jaya Tahun 2019. Saran: untuk peneliti
selanjutnya dapat memperluas penelitian sehingga sempel menjadi lebih besar dan lebih mewakili
populasi yang ada.
Alt. Description
The high incidence of infections in hospitals can cause a decrease in the quality of
medical services, so there is a need for prevention and control (Darmadi, 2008). Based on WHO data
every year 100,000 Indonesian children die from diarrhea. While the Ministry of Health data shows
that among 1000 population there are 300 people who contract diarrhea throughout the year
(Indonesia Health Profile, 2013). The results of the 2014 UNICEF report Indonesia said that 28% of
residents washed their hands with soap, 75.5% of people did not wash their hands because they felt
their hands were clean, 29% considered washing hands unhealthy and 13.6% considered washing
their hands as not important. Data obtained by researchers from interviews in April 2019 were
obtained from 15 (100%) patient families. 12 (80%) of them said hand washing was not an important
action to do, hand washing did not need to use soap. And 3 (20%) other respondents said hand
washing was important, washing their hands was not enough when using water alone. Research
Objectives: To determine the effect of education on changes in knowledge of patients family
handwashing at the hospital. Research Methods: This type of research is quantitative research with
one group pretest and posttest design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a sample
of 43 families of patients selected from one of the nuclear families. Research instruments in the form
of a handwashing knowledge questionnaire research data obtained by giving a test twice pretest and
posttest. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Results: The results showed that female
sex (69.8%), age between 36-45 (41.9%), educational background were mostly elementary school
(44.2%), occupation of the majority of respondents were housewives (48.8%). The majority of
respondents lack knowledge (46.5%). After the education was given there was a change in the
majority of well-informed (90.7%) results obtained values (p = 0,000) showed that the value was less
than 0.05. Conclusion: there is an effect of education on the change in knowledge of patients family
handwashing at Daan Mogot Kesdam Jaya Hospital in 2019. Suggestions: for further researchers to
expand the research so that the sample becomes larger and more representative of the
existing population.
Date Create | : | 07/12/2020 | Type | : | Text | Format | : | pdf | Language | : | Indonesian | Identifier | : | UEU-Journal-11_0631 | Collection ID | : | 11_0631 |
Source : IJONHS Volume 4 Nomor 2, September 2019
Relation Collection: Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan
Coverage : Civitas Akademika Universitas Esa Unggul
Rights : @2020 Perpustakaan Universitas Esa Unggul
Publication URL : https://digilib.esaunggul.ac.id/pengaruh-edukasi-terhadap-perubahan-pengetahuan-cucitangan-keluarga-pasien-di-rumah-sakit-daan-mogot-kesdam-jaya-tahun-2019-17507.html
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