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UEU » Undergraduate Theses » Akuntansi Posted by [email protected] at 19/03/2013 15:57:29 • 4532 Views
2011Effect of Asymmetric Information Against Profit Management
Practices In automotive industry and its Components Who Listed In Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) Period 2009-2011Created by :
Emi Karina ( 2009-12-090 )
Subject: | manajemen laba industri otomotif bursa efek jakarta BEJ | Alt. Subject : | profit management otomotif industry Indonesia Stock Exchange | Keyword: | Asimetris Informasi Manajemen Laba |
Pengaruh Asimetris Informasi Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba
Pada Industri Otomotif & Komponennya Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (
BEI) Periode 2009-2011 ( dibimbing oleh Sri Handayani ).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Asimetris Informasi
terhadap praktik Manajemen Laba pada industri otomotif & komponennya yang
terdaftar Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan periode selama 3 tahun, (2009-2011).
Pengukuran menggunakan metode analisis data yang terdiri dari: uji kulitas data, uji
normalitas data, uji asumsi klasik, uji statistik deskriptif, dan analisis regeresi sederhana.
Data penelitian ini menggunakan 12 industri otomotif dengan menggunakan
metode sampling jenuh. Asimetris Informasi diukur dengan relative bid-ask spread
sebagai variabel independen, dan Manajemen Laba diukur dengan DACC
(discretionary accrual) menggunakan modified jones model sebagai variabel
dependen. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier
sederhana dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%, kesimpulan pengujian diambil berdasarkan
hasil uji F.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara simultan Asimetris Informasi tidak
berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Manajemen Laba dengan nilai signifikan
0,335 > 0,05. Hal ini mengidentifikasi bahwa adanya kemungkinan investor tidak
bersifat rasional, setra ada kemungkinan manajemen tidak berupaya dalam
memaksimalkan utilitasnya.
Alt. Description
Effect of Asymmetric Information Against Profit Management
Practices In automotive industry and its Components Who Listed In Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) Period 2009-2011 (under the supervision of Sri Handayani).
This study aimed to determine the effect of information asymmetry against
profit management practices in the automotive industry and its components who
listed Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) with a period of 3 years, (2009-
2011).Measurement use data analysis method comprising: a data-quality test,
normality test data, assumptions of classical test, descriptive statistical tests, and
analysis of simple regeresi.
The data of this study using 12 automotive industry with saturated sampling
method. Asymmetric information is measured by the relative bid-ask spread as an
independent variable, and Profit Management measured by DACC (discretionary
accrual) using the modified Jones model as the dependent variable. The analysis in
this study using simple linear regression analysis with a significance level of 5%, the
test conclusions drawn based on the F test results.
The results showed that simultaneously Asymmetrical Information not
significant positive effect on Profit Management with significant value 0.335> 0.05.
It is identified that the possibility of irrational investors, there is a possibility
management is not trying to maximize his utility.
Date Create | : | 19/03/2013 | Type | : | Text | Format | : | pdf file | Language | : | Indonesian | Identifier | : | UEU-Undergraduate-S12 003 | Collection ID | : | S12 003 | Call Number | : | 200912090 |
Coverage : UEU Library Community
Rights : Copyright @2013 by UEU Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the UEU Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco For information regarding permission(s), write to UEU Library
Publication URL : https://digilib.esaunggul.ac.id/pengaruh-asimetris-informasi-terhadappraktik-manajemen-laba-pada-industriotomotif--komponennya-yang-terdaftardi-bursa-efek-indonesia-bei-periode-2009-2011-56.html
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