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UEU » Journal » Keperawatan Posted by [email protected] at 27/08/2020 01:38:31 • 411 Views
Syahfitriani ( none ) Antia Widia Sari
Kepuasan pasien adalah bagian dari indikator keberhasilan pelayanan kesehatan. Pasien merasa
puas jika pelayanan yang didapatkan melebihi harapannya. Upaya untuk mencapai kepuasan
pasien dengan menganalisa pelayanan perawat untuk perbaikan Klinik Pratama Jakarta. Penelitian
ini merupakan penelitian survey deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan k uantitatif
yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap kualitas pelayanan perawat
melalui kesesuaian harapan pasien dan kinerja perawat sehingga dapat diketahui unsur yang
dipertahankan dan segera diperbaiki. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah metode IPA
(Importance Perfomance Analysis). Populasi penelitian adalah rata-rata kunjungan pasien 3 bulan
terakhir dengan total sampling sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis dengan
membandingkan harapan dan kinerja menggambarkan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap kualitas
pelayanan perawat pada dimensi tangibles 97.69%, reliability 96,60%, emphaty 96.43%,
responsiveness 95.86%, dan assurance 97,93% dengan rata-rata tingkat kesesuaian 96,90%
artinya tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap kualit as pelayanan perawat sangat sesuai harapan.
Saran penelitian diharapkan perawat dapat segera memperbaiki empat permasalah pada prioritas
utama yaitu perawat dapat tepat waktu, cepat dan tepat dalam melakukan tindakan, perawat siap
menyediakan alat kesehatan dan pelayanan yang diberikan tidak membedakan status/pangkat
Alt. Description
Patient satisfaction is part of an indicator of the success of health services. Patients feel satisfied if
the service obtained exceeds expectations. Efforts to achieve patient satisfaction by analyzing
nurse services for improvement of the Jakarta Primary Clinic. This research is a descriptive analytic
survey research using a quantitative approach that aims to determine the level of patient
satisfaction with the quality of nurse services through the suitability of patient expectations and
nurse performance so that the elements that can be maintained and corrected immediately can be
identified. The method used in the analysis is the IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) method.
The study population was the average patient visits in the last 3 months with a total sampling of 30
people. The results of the study were analyzed by comparing expectations and performance
describing the level of patient satisfaction with the quality of nurse care in tangibles dimensions
97.69%, reliability 96.60%, empathy 96.43%, responsiveness 95.86%, and assurance 97.93% with
an average suitability level of 96 , 90% means that the level of patient satisfaction with the quali ty of
nurse care is very much as expected. Research suggestions are expected nurses can immediately
fix four problems on top priority, namely nurses can be on time, fast and appropriate in acting,
nurses are ready to provide medical devices and services provided do not differentiate status /
Contributor | : |
- Rian Pamungkas
| Date Create | : | 27/08/2020 | Type | : | Text | Format | : | pdf | Language | : | Indonesian | Identifier | : | UEU-Journal-11_0479 | Collection ID | : | 11_0479 |
Source : Indonesian Journal of Nursing Health Science Vol .x, No.x, Juni 201x
Relation Collection: Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan
Coverage : Civitas Akademika Universitas Esa Unggul
Rights : @2020 Perpustakaan Universitas Esa Unggul
Publication URL : https://digilib.esaunggul.ac.id/analisis-tingkat-kepuasan-pasien-terhadapkualitas-pelayanan-perawat-16162.html
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