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UEU » Journal » Magister Administrasi RS Posted by [email protected] at 26/01/2021 14:57:05 • 349 Views
Febriansyah ( none ) Rokiah Kusumapradja Hasyim Ahmad
Sejak dideklarasikannya pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien di Rumah Sakit X
pada tahun 2015, hingga Desember 2018 terjadi 171 kasus Insiden Keselamatan
Pasien dengan didominasi Kejadian Nyaris Cedera (KNC) sekitar 56%. Dari semua
insiden keselamatan pasien tersebut sekitar 60% terjadi di ruang perawatan.
Koordinasi yang tidak optimal diantara tenaga perawat menyebabkan belum adanya
persepsi yang sama tentang pengisian format pelaporan insiden, pemilihan insiden
yang belum begitu tepat, dan adanya perasaan takut disalahkan jika melaporkan
suatu insiden yang teridentifikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis
pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, kerjasama tim dan pengetahuan terhadap budaya
keselamatan pasien di Rumah Sakit X Bekasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kausalitas eksplanatoris, dilakukan dengan metode survey dan teknik
korelasinya dengan dimensi waktu one short study. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah
perawat di instalasi rawat inap, diambil menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling
sebanyak 98 orang. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan, kerjasama tim dan pengetahuan
mempengaruhi baik secara parsial atau simultan terhadap budaya keselamatan
pasien di Rumah Sakit X Bekasi. Temuan: Pada pelayanan di rumah sakit peran
kerjasama tim sangat penting dalam menciptakan budaya keselamatan pasien.
Implikasi: Manajemen rumah sakit harus melibatkan peran aktif setiap anggota tim
dalam meningkatkan budaya keselamatan pasien
Alt. Description
Since the declaration of patient safety culture in the hospital X in 2015, there were
171 cases of patient safety incident until December 2018, with Near Injury Incidence
(KNC) dominated at 56%. Of all the patient safety incidents, about 60% occurred in
the treatment facility. Poor coordination among nurses has led to the absence of the
same perception on the filling of incident reporting formats, the choice of incidents
that had not been so precise, and a feeling of fear of being blamed when reporting an
incident. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of leadership styles,
teamwork, and knowledge of the safety culture of patients at X Hospital, Bekasi. The
study aims to analyse the influence of leadership style, teamwork, and knowledge on
patient safety culture at X Hospital, Bekasi. This research method uses the analytical
causality approach, conducted by a survey method and its correlation technique with
the time dimension of one short study. The sample in this study were nurses in the
inpatient installation. Sampling size determined using the Purposive Sampling
technique resulting in 98 samples. Data analysis uses multiple regression test. The
result showed that leadership style, teamwork, and knowledge influence either
partially or simultaneously to patient safety culture at X Bekasi Hospital. The
dominant of independent variables is teamwork. Finding: In-hospital services, the
role of teamwork is significant in creating the patient safety culture. Implications:
Hospital management must involve the active role of each team member in improving
patient safety culture
Date Create | : | 26/01/2021 | Type | : | Text | Format | : | pdf | Language | : | Indonesian | Identifier | : | UEU-Journal-11_0720 | Collection ID | : | 11_0720 |
Source : Jurnal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, 9 (1): 41-52, April 2020
Relation Collection: Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan
Coverage : Civitas Akademika Universitas Esa Unggul
Rights : @2021 Perpustakaan Universitas Esa Unggul
Publication URL : https://digilib.esaunggul.ac.id/the-role-of-teamwork-in-improving-patient-safety-culture-17981.html
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